Use "got himself into a mess|get himself into a mess" in a sentence

1. That's the reason you got into this mess?

2. Who got us into this mess in the first place?

3. She wondered how she had got into this unholy mess.

4. 11 He got himself into a frightful muddle.

5. 14 He got himself into a frightful muddle.

6. And yeah, he's made a terrible mess of himself, but he's awfully strong.

7. You were stupid enough to get yourself into this mess!

8. It is Because of your mother that we got into this mess.

9. The biggest question is how they got into this mess in the first place.

10. Worked himself into a frenzy and gave himself indigestion.

11. What has the old fool got himself into now?

12. I'm sorry to drag you into this mess.

13. He got us into this mess,[ ] and then left at the first sniff of trouble !

14. I carried the mess, in the dustpan, into the garden.

15. 4 He drank himself into a stupor.

16. He's booked himself into a rehabilitation clinic.

17. We haven't got time to mess around.

18. It's a mess.

19. Just a mess.

20. What a mess!

21. What a mess.

22. You're a mess.

23. What turns a stone-hard woman into the blubbering mess I see before me?

24. I bumped into him by accident at the compound mess hall.

25. The acrobat could bend himself into a hoop.

26. “Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light.

27. Mess with me, that's what you get.

28. He never got too bothered about the mess.

29. Not yet a terrible mess, but a vaguely irritating, vaguely disquieting, formless mess.

30. 8 He drank himself into a stupor every night.

31. A few feet away, a baseball bat crushed a schoolteacher's head, smashed his skull into a pulpy mess.

32. I'm such a mess.

33. What a bloody mess.

34. In desperation Daniel checked himself into a rehabilitation center.

35. It's a complete mess.

36. You're a terrible mess.

37. She took one look at the mess and promptly burst into tears.

38. He nestled himself into the sofa for a nap.

39. ◆ Samson allowed himself to get into a position that led to the termination of his Naziriteship.

40. He went into the park hoping that somebody would mess with him.

41. It was a mess.

42. You made a mess.

43. He launched himself into the fray.

44. He had drunk himself into oblivion.

45. He often drinks himself into oblivion.

46. He just drank himself into oblivion.

47. It's all in a mess.

48. Our house is a mess?

49. My God, what a mess!

50. Good Heavens, what a mess!

51. They also offer a fine insight into the Emperor himself.

52. Eddy finds himself plunged into a world of brutal violence.

53. 7 Last night,( Waldegrave drank himself into a stupor.

54. "Into the mire!"more words: quagmire, admire, Bemiresynonyms: mess, difficulty, plight, …

55. I never should've got mixed up in this fucking mess.

56. " My face is a mess. "

57. My hair's a real mess!

58. This place is a mess.

59. Mess with Granny, get knocked on your fanny.

60. He swung himself into the saddle/into the driver's seat.

61. “My life was a mess.

62. Her whole life's a mess.

63. Dearie me, what a mess!

64. My shit is a mess?

65. The Bible explains: “Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light.”

66. He pulled himself up, towelled himself dry, then slipped into his dressing gown.

67. It is impossible to take a complex problem and rationally unravel the mess into logical interacting pieces.

68. The cake is a mess...

69. 25 What a fearful mess!

70. Back at the Barracks Maxim had to wait until after midnight before he had the officers' mess video machine to himself.

71. "Consolation" is only marred by a denouement that promised much but sadly disintegrated into a muddy mess

72. The young man quaffed himself into tipsiness.

73. He threw himself heartily into his studies.

74. He drank himself into an early grave.

75. The runaway burrowed himself into the haystack.

76. He wanted to get out of the old activist scene and transform himself into a modern, successful businessman.

77. And a whole mess of blood.

78. Everything was in a thorough mess.

79. Argentina'seconomic policies were a hopeless mess.

80. The interview soon spiraled into a 10-minute debate about Breading and frying chicken, which made me realize that there's got to be a simpler, zero-mess way